Dragana Travas



Objects don't present reality. The separation we make between them is only interaction in our mind.
Language plays an important role in creating these perceived relations between objects.
We see things as a sort of collection. Every collection has a function from our agreed-upon point of view.
What happens if the objects are no longer recognizable and their function is no longer related to the form they create together?


By painting our house white:
1.we neutralize the material that it's made of
2.we mark the space that we think presents the unity of the house.
However, we don't paint the windows, roof, or doors even if we consider them to be part of this unity.
If paint presents the unity of the house, what happens if we apply the same treatment to the area around the house? Does it become the part of the unity?
How is this neutralization of values affecting the objects that are not in direct relation to it?


Our perception of the world is based on previous experiences.
If we see a row of pillars disappearing in the sand we automatically assume there will be more of them, even if we cannot see them.
I'm interested in the moment when something unexpected happens that breaks the pattern so we are no longer capable of predicting what happens afterwards.
Experience and reality interact with each other in generating our perception of things.

© 2012 Dragana Travas. All rights reserved.